Savanna fire management can generate enough carbon revenue to help restore Africa’s rangelands and fill protected area funding gaps



•Savanna burning methodologies could generate carbon revenues for many protected areas in Africa•When combined with soil and woody pools the potential is significantly greater•Potential from fire management substantially reduce area funding gaps•Greater investment needed Africa to achieve multiple benefits improved The United Nation’s launched Decade of Ecological Restoration response planet-wide land degradation. This study analyses savanna programs emissions, restore regimes, new revenue sources financing chronically underfunded Africa. We estimated amount emissions reduced by shifting fires that normally burn late dry season (and emit more carbon) early (that accrue vegetation). Based on current market values we found substantial eliminate or US$ >1–2 billion annual gap Given additional nature people programs, recommend integrated conservation development projects direct support some least developed countries high biodiversity Many savanna-dependent species including large herbivores apex predators are at increasing risk extinction. Achieving effective (PAs) where lions live will cost an billion/year funding. explore fire-management-based fill this benefit degrading ecosystems. demonstrate how introducing produce (PCRs) either a single method (avoided emissions) sequestration methods ranging 59.6–655.9 million/year (at 5/ton) 155.0 1.7 13/ton). highlight variable but significant PCRs PAs 1.5–44.4 per PA. suggest investing jump-start Nations help degraded African savannas conserve imperiled keystone predators. Africa’s iconic ecosystems crossroads, as wildlife precipitous decline, intended them future generations facing extreme financial crises. 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عنوان ژورنال: One earth

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2590-3322', '2590-3330']